Contact Us

iCard360 wants to help you with your small business credit card processing. We offer our clients the opportunity to accept credit cards without having to pay outrageous fees or setup costs. Our cheap credit card processing solution is the perfect choice for small businesses that are looking to expand into new areas such as storefront, phone or online ordering. By working with iCard360, your business can take credit card orders seamlessly and without having to pass extra costs on to your customers.

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One of the many benefits of working with iCard360 is our outstanding customer service. We know that it’s important to have access to help when you are trying to process a credit card transaction. Any problem could be the difference between completing a sale and having a customer take their business elsewhere. That’s why we offer customer support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Day or night, you can get a real person to help you with your issues whether you need assistance with standard or high risk credit card processing.

Current customers can contact us to get help with their account and deal with any issues that might come up. If you are thinking about setting up an account with iCard360 to handle merchant account credit cards, please feel free to contact us today. We can give you all the information you need to make a decision on the merchant banking products that are right for you. We understand that each business has its own unique needs, which is why we develop individual merchant banking plans based on our clients’ goals. We want to become a partner with our clients and help them achieve their business goals. So contact us today to learn more about our products and services and get started on the process of getting a merchant banking account.